ZikZin Ever

ZikZin Ever

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[info]YMP filming in jp

hello pretty EEL's

YMP filming in Japan would be on Aug 25-27??


계획대로라면 내일 십이 회차 촬영을 들어갔어야 맞는건데
중간에 여러가지 사정으로 6월 2일 4회차 촬영 들어갑니다.
제작부 애들이 머리가 있는건지 근석씨 투어일정, 하늘씨 일정을 전혀 감안하지않고 촬영스케줄을 잡는 삽질을 해서 부랴부랴 조정했네요.
타임스퀘어, 일산호수공원, 화성 롤링힐스, 포스코건물 촬영일정이 모두 딜레이 되어버렸습니다.
초짜 영화사의 한계인가요. 이해할 수가 없습니다. 휴

내일 로케장소는 일산 호수공원이구요. 이 곳에서 데이촬영 4신, 나이트촬영 2신 들어가요. 6신 모두에 은이와 인호등장분이 있어요.
원래 5월중에 호수공원에서 촬영일정이 잡혀있었는데 그게 딜레이되는 바람에 내일 2회차분을 몰아서 오전부터 밤늦게까지 빡세게 찍습니다.
뭐 혹시나 구경오시더라도 촬영에 방해를 초래하지않을 팬들이라 믿고 장소알려드리는 겁니다.
그 후에 6월 7일부터 약 2주간 전주 촬영일정 잡혀있습니다. 전주 촬영분 거의 모든 신에 은이와 인호가 등장하는 강행군입니다.
은이 아파트 내부세트, 사무실, 운동장, 학교, 식당등등

조정된 스케줄상으론 마지막 촬영이 8월 27일이네요. 일본 촬영여부는 미정으로 바뀐 상태입니다.
한국촬영으로 모두 소화하게되면 47회차. 일본을 가게될 경우 49회차(료칸, 신사, 호텔, 거리, 온천)로 마무리합니다.


Korean to English translation

According to its plan must be entered the match tomorrow, going to shoot twelve Recurrence
Various circumstances in the middle of the June 2 shooting four Recurrence enters.
Geunseokssi kids do, production department head tour schedule, without considering any haneulssi schedule shovel and hurried to catch a shooting schedule adjustments forgot.
Times Square, Ilsan Lake Park, Rolling Hills of Mars, both shooting schedule delays, POSCO has become the building.
Rookie of the studios is the limit. I can not understand. Hugh

Ilsan Lake Park is the place tomorrow Roque slip. 4-day shoot in this place new, night shooting two new inside. God appeared six minutes in both silver and have a ho.
Five lakes in the park sometime in the original shooting schedule delays that are scheduled for the eotneunde After 2nd tomorrow in the wind and driving minutes from morning until late at night Take my teeth into.
Come see what hoping to shoot even if you do not cause interference to inform you that fans will believe that in place.
Then about two weeks from June 7, Jeonju shooting schedule was being kept. Almost all the gods of silver and ho of Jeonju footage emerged is a forced march.
Internal set of silver apartments, offices, playgrounds, schools, restaurants, etc.

The last shooting schedule coordinated technically August 27 was interesting. Japan has been replaced by the state is not yet available for filming.
After shooting 47 in both South Korea Recurrence digest. Recurrence gagedoel Japan, 49 (ryokan, shrine, hotels, streets, hot springs) to finish

credit:shiro401+nekomusume+google translate

{news} JKS rumored casted as lead of Our happy days of youth

hello pretty EEL's

I want to share this news from nate.com,im poor in korean so i used google translation..


윤석호PD, 장근석에 러브콜 "한류 드라마 탄생할까?"

enews24 이인경 기자] '한류 드라마'의 창시자 윤석호PD가 장근석과 극비리에 만나 눈길을 끈다.

윤석호PD는 30일 서울의 한 카페에서 장근석과 미팅을 가졌다. 윤석호PD는 차기작 주인공 캐스팅과 관련해, 장근석을 염두에 두고 만난 것으로 알려졌다.

윤석호PD의 차기작은 오는 9월 방송 예정인 KBS2 '기쁜 우리 젊은 날'(가제)로, 한예슬 주연의 '스파이 명월' 후속작이다.

영화 '클래식'과 같이 풋풋한 젊은 날의 사랑을 아름답게 그릴 예정이다. 당초 빅뱅의 탑이 주인공으로 거론됐지만 스케줄 문제로 출연이 성사되지 못했다

장근석 역시 김하늘과 함께 한 영화 '너는 펫' 촬영과 해외 활동 등으로 8월까지는 스케줄이 꽉차 있는 상태다. 하지만 윤석호PD의 적극적인 러브콜에 고심하고 있다.

한 드라마 관계자는 "초반부 촬영이 일본에서 이루어질 예정이라, 한류 스타를 주인공으로 캐스팅할 것으로 보인다. 장근석은 최근 일본 오리콘 차트에서 데뷔 싱글이 1위에 오를 정도로 뜨거운 한류 스타다. 회당 15만달러의 선투자 유치가 가능할 만큼 '핫'하다. 일본 투자자가 원빈보다 오히려 장근석을 선호하고 있다. 최근 '무사 백동수' 등 여러 드라마의 1순위 러브콜이 사실 다 장근석이었다"고 전했다.

실제로 장근석의 일본 내 인기는 배용준을 압도할 정도다. 지난 4월 그가 발표한 일본 데뷔 싱글 'Let me cry'는 오리콘차트 첫 등장이 1 위였다. 이는 남성 외국인 가수 사상 최초였으며, 일본인을 포함해도 1980년 12월 콘도 마사히코 이후 31년만의 이변이었다.

또 오는 7월 9일부터 8월 5일까지 약 한 달간 도쿄 시네마트 롯폰기에서 장근석의 출연작품을 모은 '장근석 영화 축제'가 열릴 예정이다. ‘기다리다 미쳐(2008)’ '도레미파솔라시도(2008년)' '즐거운 인생(2007년)' ‘아기와 나(2008년)’등 총 4작품을 격주로 상영할 예정이다.

일본 광고 시장에서의 반응도 뜨겁다. 산토리의 '서울 막걸리' 모델인 그는 CM이 공개되자 마자 일본 여성들을 매료시켜 3월 첫방영 2개월 만에 판매량 800만개에 육박해 무서운 광고 효과를 증명했다.

현재 장근석은 4월부터 대만 태국 등 아시아 6개국 투어 콘서트를 열고 있으며 '너는 펫' 촬영에 한창이다.
<사진 출처=장근석 데뷔 앨범 재킷 사진>

이인경 기자 judysmall@cj.net

ENGLISH TRANSLATION(google translate)

Yoon Suk Ho PD, Jang and interest in the "birth of soap opera do?"

enews24 yiingyeong News] 'soap opera' is the founder of PD Yoon Suk and secretly met with eye-catching.

30 days, PD Yoon Suk of Seoul and the meeting held in a cafe. The sequel the main character cast with respect to PD Yoon, Jang is known that in mind, ever.

PD Yoon is scheduled to broadcast the next book coming in September KBS2 'glad our young me' (tentative title), the star of Seul 'spy harvest moon' is the sequel.

Movies 'Classic' as putputhan Youthful love is expected to draw beautifully. Originally the tower of Big Bang mentioned as a hero but the schedule is made, the problem did not appear to

Jang also a movie with Kim Ha 'you pet' shooting and due to overseas activities, the schedule of duty until 8 in the state. However, PD Yoon is deliberating on the active and interest.

A drama official, "is scheduled to take place in Japan earlier shooting, the cast seems to be starring Hallyu star. janggeunseok Oricon chart in Japan in the recent debut single, hot enough to rise above the Wave 1 star. seontuja bid of $ 150,000 synagogue As a possible 'hot' is. Japanese investors, rather than Won Bin, Jang is preferred. Recently baekdongsu warrior 'and a priority and interest of many dramas that were all Jang, "he said.

In fact, in Japan, the popularity of Bae Yong-Suk overwhelm extremely expensive. Last April he released his debut single in Japan 'Let me cry' 1 ranked first appearance in the Oricon chart. It was the first ever male singer foreigners, including Japanese, Masahiko Kondo since December 1980 when 31 years was the upsets.

And come July 9 to August 5 at approximately one month Roppongi, Tokyo Cine Mart collected works appeared in Jang 'Jang film festival is scheduled. 'Crazy Waiting (2008)' 'mi fa sol la (2008),' 'Happy Life (2007),' 'Baby and Me (2008)' A total of four works will be showcased for the bi-weekly.

Japanese advertising market is hot in the reaction. Santori's 'Seoul rice wine' model, as soon as he publicly CM fascinated Japanese women, premiering March 8 million sales in two months approaching the scary ads proved effective.

Current Jang April 6 countries in Asia such as Taiwan, Thailand, is to open a concert tour, 'You pet' is the way to shoot.
"Photo Source = Jang debut album jacket photos>

Yiingyeong reporters judysmall@cj.net
Read phonetically
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credit:google translate+news nate.com

[mags] Japan magazine Woman weekly

hello pretty EEL's

Gasp, JKS melts my heart! I love all the pics!!
Magazine is released in Japan today and includes some JKS pics from Jplus photo-book.

For more pics,

F1968 says:
May 31, 2011 at 1:50 pm
I just read somewhere that Sukkie was seen hvg a meeting at a cafe w the PD of Winter Sonata (& the rest of the seasons). It was rumoured that he was being offered a role in Our Happy Days of Youth together w TOP. Really hope it will become a reality though I sincerely hope Sukkie won’t be 2nd lead…nor TOP for that matter. He’s proven to be a great actor too.

Credits: nekomusume & Cri-Moca

Monday, May 30, 2011

[EEL's story] my craziness to JANG KEUN SUK

hello pretty EEL's

I just want to share to all my crazineSS!!

After the news about hk buses,billboard advertizing about CRI SHOW,wow!!i prayed that next day will be sunday...but actually that day,that ive heard the news is only monday!


MY mind fly around hongkong places,i imagine im riding with that bus..lol!!!then i promised to my self to find that place and bus.
i ask my boss where is the route of bus 23..then she told me..so happy!!
sunday came:hmmnn i start my mission..i went to the last stop of the bus
keep on waiting...omg!!almost 2 hrs been waited but the bus still didnt came..while im waiting i bought red bull to have some energy..
A lot of buses came but??suk bus didnt..my mobile battery almost finished!!then i decided to go..feel disappointed!!keep on asking,why,why??even 1 bus never showup..while on the bus going back to my place,i seated at the 2nd deck of the bus in the front like a driver!!

suddenly!!!i saw a bus that familiar to me,,hurry up jen!!get ur camera...

just in time!!oh...i felt better after that...
while im walking still thinking,how to find some of the buses and also the billboard..friends are calling,(jen where are,,go back home and eat).
Then ive noticed a shop that full of stuff toys..then ok,,i will go in first to see whats inside..then!!

I found this:

a small piggy rabbit of suk...i ask the lady can i buy one??she said,no you need to buy the whole pack..oh..oh..then i ask her,do u have bigger than this??then some interrupt..ok i will tou 4 a while...walking,walking..then??i look up!!

LOOK what ive found!!!

like a magnet,,cant let it go..hehehe...all my disappoinment are gone..
these are all BEcause of YOU...jks forever..

im hugging it now...hehehe

SOUNDS crazy??is't??but i love it!!!

[news][promo in korea]Win Shanghai Cri Show ticket

hello pretty EEL's

Samsung users in Korea can participate in Samsung’s website promotional activity. By writing what they can do in support of JKS Cri Show, they get a chance to win one of ten tickets to JKS’ last stop in the Asia Tour, Shanghai.

Credits: KeunSukChina

张根硕全球中文网:[KSC][三星活动]在韩国的用户通过登录三星网站.在规定的地方写上”对张根硕cri show的应援回复”.最终将从中抽取10名幸运儿获得张根硕亚洲FM最后一站上海站的门票.来源:三星官网


[news TV] CCTV reports jks thailand cri show

hello pretty EEL's

After the successful fan meeting of jks in THailand,CCTV reports about jks performance...

here's the video report from cctv:PLS WATCH this:


credit:weibo+Credits: oremyhsu @ Youku

YAB Album still on GAON chart

hello pretty EEL's

2NE1’s “Lonely” song triumphs on Gaon chart (May 15-21,2011)
Credit: asiae.co.kr

omitted some parts]

In the albums section, BEAST’s aforementioned album “Fiction and Fact” debuted atop the chart.

The album released last Tuesday is made up of a total 10 songs including the title track “Fiction,” as well as “The Fact,” “You,” “Freeze,” “Virus” and two other songs in an unplugged and orchestral version.

Second on Gaon’s chart was songstress Baek Ji-young’s eighth album “PITTA” whose title means varied in color and shape.

“PITTA” which is Baek’s first album in over two years and six months, was made through the participation of many renowned composers and lyricists in the country such as Big Hit’s chief producer Bang Si-hyuk and famed lyricist-poet Won Tae-yeon.

The soundtrack to SBS’ smash-hit 2009 drama “He’s Beautiful,” starring Jang Keun-suk, Park Shin-hye, Jung Yong-hwa and Lee Hong-gi, climbed six steps to land on No. 3 spot.

The soundtrack is composed of 11 tracks including love songs performed by actors Park and Lee as well as the fictional idol group A.N.JELL that starred in the drama.

Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved

reposted from:sears>>>jang keun suk's mini haven


hello pretty EEL's

Hot Chili Paper July 2011
credit: as tagged + weibo
reposted from:sears>>>jang keun suk's mini haven


Sunday, May 29, 2011

[photos]cri show in thailand

hello pretty EEL's,

These are the additional photos from cri show thailand:




BYE!BYE! TEERAK (JKS departing thailand)

hello pretty EEL's

HELLO my co eel's,after the event of cri show in thailand,we like it or not we need to say bye bye to our beloved handsome,humble JANG KEUN SUK..but it doesnt mean this is the end..we still can see him for his next cri show..
When jks performed in hk cri show,i was so happy and very excited..that was my first time to see him in person.After his concert at hitec..When suk saying BYE BYE,my heart suddenlly felt loneliness,i want to cry and that time i start missing him..i cant explain my feelings..Till i realized,ok..thats fine,im still have my twitter to update his daily sched.

TO all thailand eel's FIGhtING!!as keun suk said:see you next year!!

i think, jason and suk still having fun here..lol!!

Photos of parents and friend of suk...


take care teerak...thank you so much for making us very happy..

STAY HEALTHY..YOUR EEL's always here for you..FIGHTING!!
